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I Thought I Needed a New Website, But Then…

Website Audit

Why do you think you need a new website?

I hear all the time, “I think we need a new website.” My first response is usually, “What makes you say that?” You may be making knee-jerk decisions instead of decisions based on data. Not everyone who is having problems growing their business, needs a new website. Yes, your company website does need content updates and refreshing from time to time, however, the structure of your website is probably in good condition. . 

What are your business goals?

Before you request a quote on a new website, here are some questions we think you should as yourself:

  • What do I hope to accomplish specifically by getting a new website?
  • Will my website bring in more business?
  • What kinds of customers am I looking for?
  • What are my business goals?
  • Can any of my issues be solved by an update, or adding new features to my existing website?

How can we help with your online presence?

We are a Google Partner agency, certified in analytics, which means that we are trained to analyze your website and find out what is missing, and what isn’t working properly. Your website is just one part of your overall digital marketing. There are many other tools that need to work in conjunction with your website to drive business effectively. 

Your online presence is like a 3 legged stool. You get traffic from three major sources that all need to work together:

We often hear other agencies talk about “building an audience”, or “driving traffic”. But are you interested in “traffic” or making money? They are not always the same thing. You should ask that question every time you consider putting money into your marketing. 

Why Website Traffic Doesn’t Necessary Mean More Business

Do you know what converts traffic or likes or shares into dollars? Knowing this is the key. How do you find this information?

You need to make sure all of Google’s tools are installed and working properly. Chances are, they’re not. Trust me, we have been auditing websites for over ten years, and there are almost always errors and mistakes that are costing you money.

Once we get all of Google’s tools working properly, you will get reports with important data. Then you have to be able to read and interpret those reports. For example, if we install a tracking phone number, you will know that this number means that someone came to your website from a paid ad and bought something…great! So how do you get more of those kinds of customers? 

Many business owners don’t know what they don’t know…so the only thing they can think of, is to ask for a new website, or for help with their social media platforms. But if your website isn’t built with the proper tools integrated into it, then you could be wasting your money. 

How can a website audit help my business?

The Paramount will audit your website, and find out what is working and what isn’t. We will put together a comprehensive plan to integrate the proper data-collection tools, interpret the results for you, make appropriate adjustments, and then monitor them monthly. Without all of this in place, you are shooting in the dark. You need to know where your money comes from. It’s easy to post on Facebook or share pictures on Instagram, or purchase a new website. But if those tactics aren’t putting money in your pocket, then why do them?

Google is unique in that it GIVES you all the tools you need to drive your business using data rather than conjecture. However, realistically, most business owners don’t have the time or expertise to learn all there is to know about Google and it’s trends. That’s what we’re here for. 

Call us today for a free audit on your website and get on the path to prosperity!
(321) 345-8288